Interview With Marc Powers (Writer Of Webcomic Biowars)

We sat down with Comic Book writer Marc Powers to talk about his recent work Biowars. Biowars tells the story of Alex Hawking, an average guy with a war raging inside his body that will determine the fate of humanity itself.  Marc Powers spent about a decade at Marvel Comics, fulfilling a childhood dream while making some lifelong friends. After Marvel, he moved out to Chicago to work at Devil’s Due Publishing, and it was at DDP that I first began writing

Otakus & Geeks: Let’s start from the very beginning. Do you remember the exactmoment you fell in love with comic books?

Marc Powers: My earliest memory of actually loving a character was reading Batman's origin in some big reprint book my aunt bought me. But for actually buying, reading and collecting comics, Captain America #245 was the first one I bought where I realized, "this comes out again next month, and I want to make sure to buy it." 

Otakus & Geeks: You were at Marvel for over a decade and then began writing at DDP? How did it feel to write a comic script for the first time?

Marc Powers: It was odd, because I came from an art background. I'd always had it in the back of my head that some day, I'll take a crack at drawing comics, and the only reason I'd write anything would be to have something to draw. But a confluence of circumstances gave me the opportunity to write GI Joe (with my good friend Mike O'Sullivan editing and Josh Blaylock overseeing the whole shebang), and I had a ball.

Otakus & Geeks: Your new comic entitled Biowars. Can you tell us how this project and concept of the story came about?

Marc Powers: Biowars is a concept that creator Gabriel Shaoolian had been developing off and on for about ten years when I first got involved. Gabriel had initially studied biology in college, and had his interest in biology and comics came together in Biowars. A couple years back, Gabriel decided the time was right to bring in other people to help him, and I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity.

Otakus & Geeks: How long did it take to complete a full script of Biowars?

Marc Powers: Well, Gabriel and I worked for a long time developing the overall storyline for season one, and outlines for each issue - so when I am able to actually sit down and write the script, there's a pretty clear roadmap by that point and it's an pretty straightforward process.

Otakus & Geeks: What can you tell us about the protagonist Alexander Hawking?

Marc Powers: Alex is a college student as the story opens, but he's somewhat adrift. He's not sure what he wants to do, he's torn between love for his dad and resentment for the old man's constant pushing. He thinks he knows himself, he thinks he knows his dad, he thinks he knows what the world is all about...but he finds out he's wrong about it all.

Otakus & Geeks:   What were some of the major challenges of coming up with the script, characters and this universe?

Marc Powers: For sure, it's balancing the biology aspect and my desire to do XYZ in the script. Sometimes I'll have some bit that I think is really cool, and Gabriel will be like, "that's not really how the body works," or "a virus doesn't do that." And that's a crucial part of the story, we want to be accurate while keeping things compelling and dramatic.

Otakus & Geeks: Out of all the characters in Biowars do you have a favorite character?

Marc Powers: I like them all, and I might say any one of them is my favorite at different times. I might have to say Janice, because she's the one who I think gets to say things you or I might be thinking. But I love Alex, and even in a strange way, I love the villains -- Kelso and the Major.

Otakus & Geeks: Since some of the setting takes place inside of Alexander’s body how was the process on creating a world inside a body?

Marc Powers: This is the vision Gabriel's had for so long. And really, any credit from there goes to our artists, Lucius and Goncalo, for taking my half-baked Lawrence of Arabia and Lord of the Rings references and creating visuals.

 Finally what is up next for Biowars?

Marc Powers: Well, first up is finishing up the first arc in a huge, dramatic and explosive way. Which you'll see leads into an even bigger expansion of the story in the second arc!

For more on Biowars visit