Futagami Double Brief Review

Story Synopsis - Futagami Sousuke, 14 years old, is a normal student, wishing to live a normal life. But everything changes the day he sees a doppelganger of himself in his house. Since then, the girl he has a crush on, Amane, will introduce him to another side of his world he had no idea about, and it won't be anymore the dear peaceful days for Futagami.

Justin's Brief Review -
Futagmi Double is a Managa that has it's moments. I like the characters of Futagami Sousuke and Amane. However I felt that the story was short and simple. It leaves us with a cliffhanger ending that foreshadows a sequel. However I did like the fact that Futagami Sousuke had to face another version of himself, in order to awaken his true self. Futagmi Double adds a great element of Sci-Fi and Paranormal into it's theme. The Doppleganger as explained by Amane is, a paranormal phenomena where a person witness themselves in another form. This element works well with the story, because Futagami shy character is not able to open up until he sees his doppelganger. Since this a brief review I will leave it spoiler free. Here is a list of pros and cons.

Nice use of Sci-Fi and Paranormal
Great Characters
Wonderful Theme Of Knowing Your Will


It felt rushed to me.
The shy boy liking girl is so overused in Managa.
Rushed ending.

Final Grade - C+