A Good Librarian Like A Good Shepherd (Review)

At a prestigious academy known for its massive library, Kyotaro Kakei is the sole member of the school's Library Club. A bit of an introvert, Kyotaro has always been better with books than girls until a mysterious email from the Shepherd hints that his fate is destined to change. After receiving the Shepherd's message, Kyotaro is suddenly struck by a premonition that allows him to save a beautiful girl named Tsugumi. Shortly after their first meeting, Tsugumi announces her intentions to join the Library Club, and with Kyotaro's help, make the school a happier, more interesting place for the students. It doesn't take long for a host of pretty girls to follow Tsugumi's lead and join the club in the hopes of spicing up their boring academy lives. Behind everything they do, the Shepherd is there, ready to pull the strings, But who is this Shepherd really? Just another urban legend, or something much more magical? 

A Good Librarian Like A Good Shepherd is a fun anime that suffers from the pitfalls of familiar territory. The story does have a very interesting concept with it's main character Kyotaro. I like the fact Kyotaro is this introvert that doesn't really have much of a social life outside the library. He's the only one in the library club and that got me invested in his character arc. While Kyotaro is an introvert he is force to interact with others when Tsugumi enters his life. Tsugumi personality makes Kyotaro open up a little bit more and get more active. While Kyotaro starts off as typical stereotypical bookworm introducing Kyotaro showed that his character has layers and that's something I can liked. The anime does appear to go into a fantasy realm but truthfully the show is more of a slice of life. I would have the slice of life aspects like Kyotaro introvert to be better explored and flush out a little bit more. However the show does have some good themes of interaction, friendship and the importance of it and you see that clearly through Kyotaro and Tsugumi.

However the anime does have the pitfall of going into the harem territory. This aspect got really old fast once it was introduced. Kyotaro becomes the typical shy guy who doesn't know how to talk to girls and there is some standard awkward comedy moments that fall short. For example falling on top of the girl and they both blush or the girl overreacts is clearly present in this anime. The harem aspect I felt wasn't needed and it takes a lot of the momentum from the arc and slice of life that has been established. The story isn't bad it is enjoyable but the harem kind of takes you out of it. The animation is not bad at all but it doesn't scream unique. Character designs feel generic and uninspired. The voice acting is good and the music fits the tone but the anime just feels too generic and average. It has some good moments and some funny scenes but nothing really that screams standing out.

Final Grade 3 out 5 Stars.