Harvey Beaks: Episode 1 Review

Harvey Beaks, a good kid who tries his hardest to get into all kinds of ridiculous mischief with his best friends Fee and Foo, a pair of naughty imp twins.  Set in a magical forest, this unlikely friendship finds common ground in the little joys and triumphs of childhood, while occasionally (or almost always) breaking the rules.

Harvey Beaks is one fun show both kids and parents will enjoy. What makes the show really fun is Harvey's good nature. Harvey is truly a good kid but he wants more out of life. He desires excitement. In the first half of episode 1 entitled "Pee Choo", Harvey is trying to get himself banned from the lake. Since his best friends Fee and Foo are banned he doesn't want to be left out. The one in charge of the lake states he is behave, good manner and a nice kid and won't be banned. Harvey enlists Fee and Foo to try to help him get banned by giving some bad ideas. This is where the episode shines. While Harvey desires to do harmless naughty things, his nature can't bring him to it. Harvey couldn't do a bad thing if he was offered a million dollars. The way his character reacts and plays off Fee and Foo works very well. 

In the second half of the episode Harvey, Fee and Foo find a tail that doesn't belong to them. The second half of the show is focused more Fee and Foo. It makes sure that it establishes key characteristics that will be shown in future episodes. We learn that Fee is very wild and passionate. I really like Fee because she follows her heart no matter what. When the owner of the tail takes Foo, Fee is relentless on finding her brother. Foo we learn is very energetic and carefree. He is the comedy relief out of the three and younger audiences will gravitate towards. With a melting pot of a passionate, fierce child like Fee, a energetic but carefree Foo, and the by the boo,k good natured Harvey, you have formula for great adventures with different approaches from each character.

Overall Harvey Beaks is very enjoyable with likable characters, fun adventures, and great animation. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of season has in store.

Final Grade 8.5/10 B+